Diary of yoga practice

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I did a headstand after class today...

because I just felt like it. I need to go and work more on the headstand so I can get my equilibrium when I'm upside-down - I still do it up against a wall so I can balance.

Favorite pose: I finally gave in and used a wall to do Lord of the Dance pose, or Natarajasana, the one-armed version, of course, against a wall so I could get full extension of my leg that is behind me. I might start approaching this one like I approach headstand so that I can eventually balance but be able to fully extend my leg.

Least favorite pose: I've gotten to where anything that I stretch my hamstrings too much in I've got some distaste for - partially because I shouldn't do it fully, and partially because for some of the poses there isn't any alternative *but* to stretch hamstrings. I think I used to like the hamstring stretches so much because I could easily show off my flexibility with them. Now they're just like any other pose...

I think I'm going to keep doing Legs-up-the-wall pose instead of Savasana for the relaxation at the end of class - I feel better at the end, and it's better for my legs anyways. I think I'm going to be off until tuesday for yoga, but I'm not sure - it depends on when Natha goes to see his dad tomorrow. If it is, I might do some sun salutations tomorrow just to get something done...


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