Diary of yoga practice

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I got up hyper-early (for me) yesterday to go practice before my day started...

... I had a great time, and the rest of my day was very different - I felt slightly more awake but still kind of sleepy. I really don't think it was because I woke up that early, though, I think it's because I didn't go to bed early enough the night before and didn't get enough sleep. I can fix that next week, though.

Favorite pose: Reverse plank, or purvottanasana, commonly called tabletop pose since I hadn't done it in a while.

Least favorite pose: Bhujangasana or cobra pose - I just didn't like it today - it felt different than it usually does. That might be because I was doing a different routine where I hadn't done as many back openers as usual and more standing backbends and my body didn't want to do Cobra after...

I'm debating whether to go to asana practice today as I normally would - my hamstrings and groins are really sore and my hips are tight to the point where when I do certain postures as I'd normally do them it makes my knee hurt. I've been reading about the yamas (restraint is the first one, also called nonviolence or abimsa) and thinking of how to follow them more closely. I've been trying to become less competitive (not that I am very, but I am a bit when I'm in a class, mainly with challenging myself) the last couple of days to have more observance of abimsa, since I noticed that I was sore in a couple places. When you're sore, you've pushed your body too hard in some way - and mine was in asana practice. I've been backing off, doing modifications during class for those postures that challenge me more lately or challenge me too much in one area during my practice in the last week and I'm not getting any less sore. As gung-ho as I may be toward yoga, I still need more abimsa - to the point where today I think I should restrain altogether. See, I've always enjoyed stretching even more when I was sore, to work the soreness out instead of stopping altogether. It's not that I'm not having a good time in asana practice when I'm sore, it's hard for me to restrain myself from doing the poses I love even when they hurt a bit. So I think I'm staying here today, yogically speaking. I might go do other things, like go to a store, but no working out, yoga or otherwise. Which is hard, since I want to just stretch in general while I'm sitting around. If I feel like it, though, I think I've had enough restraint in not going that I don't have to abstain - just restrain. :)


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