Diary of yoga practice

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I was blogging a lot about yoga...

...so I decided to open up a practice journal on here instead of getting some paper journal - this is cheaper. :)

This here will contain my thoughts on yoga on that current day - reflections on my asana practice, spiritual thoughts, and other things I've found in my journey toward a more integrated life.

To give you an idea of my purpose, I want to give you this quote I read in Yoga Journal the other day:

If physical flexibility is your sole aim in yoga, you are disconnecting yourself from its real purpose: integration. If you practice with the intention to integrate body, mind, and heart, then you will become more flexible, but it will be a truly balanced flexibility within a larger purpose and perspective. - Donna Farhi

The entries will mostly be short - but will come as my reflections on that day's asana practice. I try to go to a class somewhere once a day, so I should be updating somewhat daily... we'll see how this goes. I'll most likely include my favorite pose of the day, my biggest challenge of the day, and any breakthroughs I've had.


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